Water Well & Drilling in Orange Park

American Well and Irrigation's services in Orange Park keep our residential and commercial customers supplied with the water they need. We can take care of any water management need including:

Water Well & Drilling

Rising municipal water rates have caused many property owners to seek the water right under their feet. Our water well and drilling in Orange Park helps property owners decrease their reliance on municipal waters supplies and lowers their water bills. If you love a green lawn but hate paying for water usage, contact us to have a well drilled and enjoy a green landscape year round.

Irrigation System Installation and Repair

We are the premier Orange Park irrigation company and sprinkler repair service. Whether you need an irrigation system installed or your current system repaired, we can help. We'll begin and with analysis of your needs. Irrigation systems only work if they're sized correctly for the property. If you have areas that don't seem to be getting the water they need, your system may be undersized. Let us take a look at it and make a recommendation for improvement.

Another common problem with sprinkler systems are damaged sprinkler heads. If your heads are damaged, broken or spraying in the wrong direction, you are wasting water and not getting the full benefits of your system. We also repair controllers, valves, broken wires, and rain sensors

Water Softener Installation

Hard water carries dissolved minerals that can discolor clothing, leave residue on dishes and lead to the accumulation of mineral deposits in your pipes, not to mention taste or smell funny. As your Orange Park water softener company, we can eliminate these problems with the installation of a water softener, iron filter, carbon unit, or sulfur removal.

Water softeners are especially important for properties that rely on well water, which has not gone through a municipal water treatment system. If you're concerned about hard water, give us a call. We can evaluate your situation and recommend an appropriate water conditioner system.

Pump Repairs

A broken pump means no water or low water pressure. American Well and Irrigation is an Orange Park pump repair company that can quickly fix your broken pump so you can get the water you need. We work on all sizes and types of water well pumps.

Drainage Systems

If you have a problem with flooding, a drainage system can help. Sump pumps are used to drain excess water away from homes and buildings. These property-saving machines turn on automatically when the water level gets too high, giving you peace of mind that the water will be drained safely away from your building. We do sump pump installation for homes and businesses. Call today for a Free Estimate.

Backflow Assessment

The backflow system provides the unseen but vitally important function of preventing contaminated water from backing up into a building. State law requires your backflow to be tested each year. American Well is a certified testing company. Protect your health and call today for your test. We can pinpoint the problem and recommend solutions.

American Well and Irrigation offers free estimates to customers in Orange Park. Contact us at 904-249-5400 for a complete analysis of your situation and to learn more about our services.